Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:Government of Odisha & Hi-Tech Bhubaneswar signed an MoU to open 200-Bed Filled Super Speciality Hospital on COVID-19 at Gajapati. This will be opened at Subarnarekha Hostel of CUTM at R.Sitapur of Gajapati.
Collector Anupam Saha and SP Gajapati Sarah Sharma visited CUTM to trace out infrastructure details.
On this occasion Dr.Tirupati Panigrahi Chairman of Hi-Tech Medical College Bhubaneswar said, “We are grateful to Odisha Government to launch such biggest infrastructure in the backward region like Gajapati.As a rare instance from Hi-Tech Bhubaneswar; Doctors, Specialists with Technicians along with from State Government will join soon.This will run for 6 months.
Further the same will be opened at Rourkela & Paralakhemundi soon where constructions & other costs will be borne by State Government under CSR Scheme.” People had a long demand for a Medical College at Gajapati where they have to depend on Berhampur or Vizag.But this will be a feather & Blessings of Disguise for the people of Gajapati to see such Super Speciality Hospital soon for which from all corners lauded for the efforts of Dr.Dr.Tirupati Panigrahi & Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik.