“One Vote, One Employment Movement” demands immediate enactment of the ‘Employment Law’ to address the Unemployment Crisis


Press Club of India,July 7, :”One Vote, One Employment Movement” comprises socially conscious citizens who are concerned about the prolonged neglect of the widespread issue of unemployment by the Government, which is currently grappling with its own challenges. India is a country of youth, and the lack of employment opportunities has led to a surge in depression, addiction, and crime among the unemployed youth. According to NCRB data, nearly twenty-five thousand educated youth committed suicide last year due to the inability to find employment or losing their jobs.

The “One Vote, One Employment Movement” demands the enactment of an Employment Law that would provide a legal recourse for individuals when they are unable to find employment. Currently, there is no such provision in our country. Even those who manage to secure jobs do not receive a guaranteed minimum wage. Workers in various sectors such as nursing staff, sanitation workers, technicians, and security personnel do not receive the government-mandated minimum wages. Moreover, due to the fear of losing their jobs, none of these employees dare to file complaints. Despite the Supreme Court’s directive for equal pay for equal work, all departments have resorted to hiring on Adhoc/contract basis, jeopardizing the job security of qualified employees.

The “One Vote, One Employment Movement” demands the regularization of all Adhoc/Contract employees and the elimination of unjust Adhoc/contract system of employment in government departments. The growing population has increased the demand for employees in Public sectors such as education, healthcare, sanitation, and security. However, these positions remain vacant, and there is no appointment taking place. It is crucial to fill all these vacancies immediately, ensure transparency in all appointments, and impose immediate strict actions against incidents like paper leaks.

Our elders have dedicated their entire lives to the nation’s development. They have played a significant role in the construction of roads, hospitals, dams, universities, schools, colleges, and other government and private infrastructure. The “One Vote, One Employment Movement” demands that a portion of the minimum wage be given to our elderly citizens as a form of pension to honour their valuable contributions.

To advocate for these fundamental demands, a People’s Parliament will be organized at Jantar Mantar on July 9, 2023. It is believed that in the new Parliament, our Prime Minister will initiate a new beginning regarding the Employment Law, and discussions on this issue will take place in this People’s Parliament with the participation of sensitive politicians, social workers, intellectuals, and other concerned individuals.

Praveen Kashyap, the leader of the movement, stated that after listening to politicians’ speeches and assurances on employment for the past 75 years, they no longer have faith in them. He wants to tell Honourable Prime Minister that we need an employment law to live a dignified life so that, in the event of unemployment, we can approach the court instead of visiting the offices of our politicians. The Government of Delhi is not creating any arrangements to ensure the guarantee of the minimum wage. No worker receives the minimum wage. We want to tell the Kejriwal Government in Delhi to ensure the minimum wage for all the youth of Delhi.

Dr Sant Prakash, who leads the movement, stated that the “One Vote, One Employment Movement” is a struggle to ensure the rights to a dignified life for every voter in the country, as outlined in the guiding principles of the Constitution, specifically Articles 38 and 39. It is our significant responsibility to provide legal status to the concept of ’employment’ included in these constitutional provisions and ensure justice for the people through the formulation of an Employment Law by the elected government, which represents the true masters of the country, i.e., the citizens.

At the grassroots level, Puspa emphasized that free ration, free water, and other such promises made by the Politicians are merely political tactics to garner votes. It is not taking the country forward; instead, it is reducing the people to beggars. We do not want freebies; we want jobs so that we can fulfil our own needs. Therefore, the “One Vote, One Employment Movement” is a necessity for the people.

Vikas Saini, who supports the movement, believes that if there is no “One Vote, One Employment” Law then there should be no vote either. Every voter should pledge to support this cause.

Ashok Kumar, a former Adhoc Professor at University of Delhi who was recently expelled from the University of Delhi during ongoing interviews, stated that corruption is a significant issue, and he himself fell victim to corruption at Delhi University. Therefore, it is crucial to eradicate corruption completely so that the dream of “One Vote, One Employment” can be realized.

Supporting the movement, Jatin Bhalla said that India belongs to its youth, but as long as we do not provide them with jobs, as long as we do not provide them with employment, the youth population will become a burden instead of being a boon for us.

The “One Vote, One Employment Movement” presents the following five-point demands to eradicate the unemployment crisis:

1) Employment laws should be effectively implemented, ensuring that unemployed individuals seek their rights in court rather than approaching politicians’ offices.

2) There should be a guarantee of minimum wages and equal pay for equal work.

3) Immediate filling of all vacant positions should take place, putting an end to the ad hoc/contract system. If employees have been appointed on an ad hoc/contract basis for vacant posts, they should be granted permanent positions.

4) Every village and locality should have an employment exchange office.

5) All elderly individuals should receive half of the minimum wage as a pension.

Vikas Saini, who is supporting the movement, has explained that it is very important to create a “One Vote, One Employment Law” in the country to make every citizen residing in the country happy and prosperous. The central government and all state governments should take the initiative themselves without wasting any time to enact this law. 

Every voter should take an oath to support the “One Vote, One Employment Law,” otherwise, they won’t get their vote.

The “One Vote, One Employment Movement” Press Conference was attended by Praveen Kashyap, Dr. Sant Prakash, Puspa, Mahi Singh, Jatin Bhalla, Vikas Saini, Shashank Yadav, Manjeet, Ashok Kumar, Harpal Singh Aditya, Mohit Singh, and many other organizations and intellectuals.

Press Release by;One Vote, One Employment Movement Organizing Committee