Dhiramohan Ray,Odishabarta
TALCHER:There are 7 RI Circles under Talcher Tesil. MCL land has been acquired in 16 panchayats from 7 RI Circles, coal extraction is continuing from 9 mines, while there is a small amount of remaining lands, alleged deal worth of rupees, the land cost of Talcher is skyrocketed, even in the municipal area, there is a similar situation here as there is a shortage of land.
Now some unscrupulous employees of Tehsil office and land brokers are taking advantage of this. Hundreds of acres of debattoor, ceiling land, NHI, PWD, canal land, forest and government land in this circle, ranging from rural to urban areas, have been confiscated by land brokers over time and leased out in hi-tech formulas for millions of rupees.
The deal is alleged to be in progress. Even the old government quarters, schools are now under the control of the mafias. It is rumored that the unscrupulous employee of Talcher Tehsil and the data entry operator who has been in one place for 19 years are mediating between the land brokers and the officers and are spreading all these scams. It is worth mentioning here that at present 16 to 17 panchayats from Talcher tehsil have acquired MCL land and are called as people.
It is alleged that the displaced families are being sold at exorbitant prices, be it government or private land, at the expense of brokers and unscrupulous employees, while finding a place for the said family to settle down.
As a result, the amount of compensation received by the displaced families goes towards the purchase of this land. Such a situation is being created today due to the honeymoon of some tehsil officials and land brokers