Demand to Re-visit Woes of Displaced Families on Cheligada Project

Paralakhemundi,28/05/23:Recently VKPandiyan,Secretary of 5T visited Gajapati district & reviewed on Cheligada Project. An amount of ₹936.63 crores sanctioned for completion of the project. Besides that project by 2025-26, estimated to rehabilitate 300 displaced families. Now 100 families shifted partially or covered fully. They are to be shifted from affected 15 villages & to be settled at 7 colonies. Though 3 colonies already completed under AIBP(Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Scheme).A tunnel excavated of 1280 feet for drinking water supply to Ganjam district. Srikant Padhy,Convenor of Rushikulya-Vanshadhara-Nagabali Project & Mahendratanaya Project recently met with Chief Engineer of Rushikulya-Vanshadhara-Nagabali basin & submitted 16-point chartered demands. There he mentioned on to give employment on this project to 300 affected families. Under Record of Rights(ROR) resettlement on rehabilitation to be done, he added on his demand chart. He said this demand if unfulfilled then they will gherao RDC Office. He is hopeful their legitimate demands to be fulfilled. Demand to Re-visit Woes of Displaced Families on Cheligada Project