Awareness Week for Physically Challenged by DLSA

Paralakhemundi-On behalf of DLSA(District Legal Services Authority) sensitization program for physically challenged persons launched.They are sensitized on various central & state schemes like Indira Gandhi old age Pension,Indira Gandhi National Pension, Madhubabu Pension, Banishree Scholarship, Marriage Benefits, Employment & Skill Development Schemes. On this week long program those persons will be sensitized to get scope of various schemes.Besides that requisites like supporting sticks,3-wheeler cycles,ration cards, hearing machine, adhar cards, pension benefits too distributed. On this campaign Secretary of DLSA Rabinarayan Behera, DSSO Santosh Kumar Nayak, BSSOs of all blocks started campaign from 22nd May to 29 May,on door to door on various blocks, Paralakhemundi Municipality & Kashinagar NAC organized. Public particularly requested to get such scope to enhance their livelihoods.