Dhiramohan Ray,Odishabarta
Talcher:Talcher Bar Association, Talcher celebrated the 39th ‘Law Day ‘on 26.11.2022 in the Bar Association hall .Sri Pranab Kumar Patra, Hon’ble District and Sessions Judge, Angul and Mrs Babita Dash, Hon’ble Civil Judge Senior Division, Talcher graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour of the evening respectively.Sri Jadumani Sahu, the Convener of the ‘Celebtation of Law Day Committee’ had presided over the meeting. Senior Lawyers Sri Arun Shankar Mishra and Sri Debi Prasad Rath had delivered their speech .Sri Mishra spoke on the Rule of Law in context with the Fundamental Rights of the Citizen and the role of Supreme Court on safeguarding the Funfamental Rights.Sri Rath very elaborately spoke on the Enchtoachment of Public Premises Act and the remedy abalablev to the aggrieved Party under State and Central Law.Mrs Dash , the Guest of Honour spoke on the role of a married women for a better and peaceful family life and how to avoid the hazards in case of a Divorce Suit .The Chief Guest Sj. Patra Hon’ble District and Sessions Judge deliverd his speech on the importance of the day which is observed as the Constititunal Day on which the drafted constitution of newly Independent India was approved and accepted by the constituent assembly . Three Lawyers of the bar namely Balaram Sahoo, Namita Singh and7 Prasanta Kumar Pradhan were honoured for being completed 25 years of their active practice in the ba.
Two advocates namely Nerendra Kumar Naik and Manasi Barik were awarded prizes given by Paramananda Mishra Trust, as young promising lawyers.The national song of Odisha ‘ Bande Utkal Jananee song was cited by Pravatini,Rishna, Swarnalata,Ranjita.Renubala, Manas, Devadarsan, Jambeswar and Rabindra etc the members of the bar.Registrar of Civil Court Angul, Adll.Civil Judge Srnior Division,SDJM,JMFC,Talcher and all Media persons , advocates and judicial staff have joined the function.Sri ChabiKumarSahoo,Ranjit Ghosh ,Ajay Kumar Mishra, Bhagaban Ojha and others have contributed in the stage management during the function.Advocate Sri Harekrushna Patra gave the vote of thanks. The Convener expressed his gratitude to all the members of theCelebration of Law Day Committee,Judicial Officers and staff, Guests and Patrons and adjourned the meeting.