Sabarsahi of Mohana Block Deprived of Minimum Amenities

Paralakhemundi-There are still villages which eclipsed from development. Particularly on basic amenities like road construction still drudging on communications. Such is the situation of Sabarsahi village of Jirango panchayat under Mohana block. There are 20 families are residing & mainly depend on farming. Though huge amount streaming for development but lacunae like construction of road is missing in that village. Though by villagers efforts a well constructed & villagers depend on nearby Tarava village & for health at Chandragiri. On rainy season it is difficult to pass through that dirty road for villagers. For emergency they shoulder by cot for serious patients & maternity care women too. Despite acknowledged to block staff & elected representatives hardly their problems sorted out. That constructed well is on deteriorated condition. Tubewell nit not installed in that village. So they depend on that well water. Rajeswari Sabar, Kausalya Sabar, Ramulu Sabar, Ganesh Sabar & villagers demanded immediate reprieve of such issues. Sarpanch of Jirango Padmini Sabar said action plan made for drinking water & road construction which to be started by December.