Conservist Vrs Religious Believers


Clash Breaks Out Over Consumption Of  Food On Eclipse Day

Bhubaneswar: A clash was reported between rationalists and ritualists in Berhampur and Bhubaneswar state Capital over consumption of food on eclipse day on Tuesday.

While Bajrang Dal and Viswa Hindu Parisada activists and ritualists scuffle with rationalists during a meeting in Berhampur, similar tension was witnessed at Lohia Academy in Bhubaneswar.

As significant as this event is from a scientific standpoint, it is equally significant from a religious and astrological standpoint. In India, the lunar eclipse will be visible from 5:32 PM to 7:27 PM, lasting 1 hour and 95 minutes.

This event is important from a scientific perspective, but it’s also important from a religious and astrological perspective.

Religious traditions advise against eating anything during an eclipse. However, according to beliefs, pregnant women, young children, and old people can consume specific foods when necessary.

In Berhampur City hue and cry on pious Kartik where Hindu community has sanctity to observe whole month. Where as other religions too have their separate feelings.

Such issues should not be entangled where our national integrity remain intact. Fooding intake has different feature based on own interest but that should not be made more publicity where now biriyani a grave issue.So irrespective of different religions we see integrity approach where even holistic way other religions never feel rivalry.

We see Hindu & Muslim community have nice sharing on Durga Puja at Cuttack where in puja committee their advice too respected. So never ever such issue  but this year made stiff, what we see version like “Hetubadi” which not at all soothing on our integrity. So this indeed a miracle to create rival jinx between religion consciousness.

Let it be eclipsed & such childish plank never bring good shine to any religions sanctity. Intellectuals hardy feel such abrupt thinking rather go on their own survival. Time & again before any legal action this chapter may be closed.