Police and Inhabitants Hold a Coordination Meeting in Berhampur

Manoj Kanta Dash,Odishabarta

Berhampur:Strong relationships of mutual trust between police agencies and the communities they serve are to maintaining public safety and effective policing. Police officials rely on the cooperation of community members to provide information about crime in their neighbourhoods, and to work with the police to devise solutions to crime and disorder problems. Similarly community members’ willingness to trust the police depends on whether they believe that police actions reflect community values and incorporate the principles of procedural justice and legitimacy. In the wake of recent incidents at Ramakrishna Nagar involving police use of force which police discharging very fast.

Sometimes the police have been questioned in many Society. It is imperative that police agencies make improving relationships with their local communities a top priority.

Sunday evening a meeting was held at Radhakrushna Temple, Kalinga Nagar, between Police and local inhabitants for a free and fare relationship.  SDPO, Berhampur,VC Pati, IIC, Baidyanathpur PS,RK Murmus and SI B.B.Sethi were present. Wide discussion was made how to curb down property offence and other criminal activities in Kalinga Nagar and its adjoining localities like Banchanidhi Nagar,Ramakrushna Nagar,Bharat Bihar,Purusottom Bihar, Siva Padma.

SDPO,Pati suggested the local inhabitants to install CCTVs at different strategic locations, deployment of private security guards and share information to police. The colony people assured to assist police wholeheartedly to prevent crime in their locality.

Further it was suggested by BK Mohanty it would be wise to seat for a second round meeting with some more tips on coming second Saturday at evening hours for a conclusion.

Around 50 eminent persons and Sr Citizens were present over the meeting.