Clean India on Sardar Patel Birthday at BS+2 Sc. College


Paralakhemundi:On the eve of Sardar Vallav Bhai Patel birthday plastic free clean India program for a month intervened by Gajapati district Nehru Yuva Kendra(NYK) unit. On validictory day the program held at Binodini +2 Science College. Presided by in charge Principal Dr. Nalini Sabat among guests state awarded teacher Bichitrananda Bebarta, activist Bhagabat Padhi graced as Guests of honor. Facilitated by DYK district coordinator Bijay Kumar Mahapatra, speakers opined on great commitments of Sardar Patel & advised the students to reach their goal with all perseverance & dedications.Those outstanding 3 volunteers & also 3 students of the college,who contributed their role on clean India program given certificates bt guests.
Later on students of college joined on plastic free cleanliness of college surroundings.