Billing fraud by BSES Yamuna Power Limited,Delhi


Delhi:Bill dated 06.07.2021 amounting to rupees 17360 has been issued by BSES Yamuna Power Limited. But advance ad-hoc payment of rupees 5000 received by BSES Yamuna Power Limited on 09.05.2021 during lockdown-period (when meter-reading was not taken) and as also mentioned on the bill has not been adjusted in payable amount of rupees 5000. BSES Yamuna Power Limited should immediately issue revised bill adjusting rupees 5000 before due date 21.07.2021 for making payment.

The bill has been issued for three months together from 03.04.2021 to 03.07.2021 making total clubbed chargeable units of 2805. This has resulted in billing at higher slabs of 7 percent and 6.50 percent for 408 and 1198 units respectively. If bill would have been issued in normal monthly cycle, then it would have been in lower slabs of 3 and 4.5 percent respectively. Revised bill adjusting rupees 5000 advance payment on 09.05.2021 should be issued preparing the bill afresh on basis of monthly average consumption that comes out to be just 935 units. BSES Yamuna Power Limited must not play such billing-fraud with consumers thus being indulged in unfair profiteering practice.

Input;Mr Subash