KORAPUT:The Central University of Odisha organized an awareness programme on “MOOCs and INFLIBNET Services to Central Universities” at its permanent campus, Sunabeda today. Dr. Manoj Kumar, Scientist-E(CS), INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujurat conduct the awareness programme as the resource person. Prof. I. Ramabrahmam, Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the programme and delivered the inaugural address as the Chief Guest. Prof. Asit Kumar Das, Registrar, Prof. Sharat Kumar Palita, Dean, Dr. Sanjeet Kumar Das, HoD I/c, Dept. of English Language and literature spoke on the occasion.
“IFLIBNET is one of the key player of Government of India for the development in the higher educational institution in India. It involves in modernizing university libraries in India using the state-of-art technologies for the optimum utilization of information” the Vice-Chancellor said in his opening remarks. He advised all faculty and research scholars to get ideas and knowledge about the MOOCS, INFLIBNET and University ranking system from Dr. Kumar.
Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, are online courses that allow unlimited number of students worldwide with a chance of distance education with the best institutes in the world. It also provides participants free access and unrestricted participation to any course of their choice. Millions of people around the world use MOOCs to learn. Giving importance to the MOOC in higher education Dr. Kumar said “we have to improve enrolment ratio in higher education system by taking advantage of the new technology for higher learning”. He elaborated different aesthetic technique such as use of graphics and animation, multimedia content, illustrations and video in preparing modules for MOOC. Presently, the MOOCs are available in swayam portal i.e. He advised faculty to prepare modules on their respective subjects and fulfill the vision and mission of the MHRD and UGC on Online Courses.
While talking about IFLIBNET he said INFLIBNET is set out to be a major player in promoting scholarly communication among academicians and researchers in India. He gave importance to plagiarism software and patent in research publication. He advised the scholars to maximum use of e-jounal and publication. He took an orientation on University ranking systems in NIRF, AARAIIA and other leading organizations.
Prof. Das stressed the importance in the University system. He express that, Dr. Kumar will guide the teachers and scholars in this field.
Prof. Palita, highlighted the importance of research publication, journals and the use of anti plagiarism software in his address.
Shri Sanjeet Kumar Das delivered the welcome address. Eminent Professors Prof. B. C. Barik, Prof. P. Durga Prasad, Prof. Hemraj Meena, Prof. E. Raja Rao, Prof. Prof. Bhagabata Patra, Prof. Krushna Chandra Pradhan; eminent professors and teachers from Aouranatics College, Sunabeda; Govt. College, Koraput; Govt. Women’s College, Sunabeda; Semiliguda College, Semiliguda, Govt. Womens College, Jeypore; VD College Jeypore; all faculty and research scholars of the University were present on the Occasion.