Humanity dies by authority where City Dogs Electrocuted


Paralakhemundi:A tragic venture steered down lives of 6 street dogs at Paralakhemundi. Empathy dies with electricity department where human beings could have succumbed there but relieved.

On a tragic incident at Jangam street junction those dogs slept at road but they could not know to face evil dead so soon on sleep.

At an under construction road water sprayed & logged at that area. Meanwhile service wire from pole was swinging from kv line & faltered to touch at road where dogs slept. Immediately with charged electric shocked through water passage caused to death of 6 street dogs. Fortunately at that time no human beings moved in that area or else how many lives would have gone nobody knows. On untimely rain & heavy rain usually those service wires from KV line detaching from poles which is more danger for all categories of lives  either human or animal or bird. So time arrives to make check & balance on post natural disasters either by rain or storm to check street lines to avoid such grave danger of lives where department authorities will be held responsible.