Cr 144 Promulgated at Disputed 106 acres Cashew Farm
Paralakhemundi,(Kasinagar):Dispute between tribal and non-tribal communities in cashew farm is regular, years together at Kashinagar block.
Incidentally at Armada Mauja of Allada Panchayat under Kashinagar Tehsil for 106 acres of cashew land both tribal and non-tribal communities were face to face as their rights of that cashew land every year with a mutation case 7/21.Their tussle led to intervention of administration where by the instruction of Sub-divisional Magistrate Paralakhemundi, Kashinagar Tehsildar earthed red flag surrounding of 106 acres of cashew land and promulgated 144 cr. Tehsildar,Santi Swaroop Mishra with revenue staff, Susant Kumar Sahu IIC Kashinagar with platoon force cordoned off whole area.