Foundation Day Celebration of Helping Hands held at Mugupalpur in Jajpur

Suresh Kar,Odishbarta

JAJPUR, 31/01/2021:Helping Hands One of a leading Pioneer Voluntary Organisation in Rasulpur block celebrated its first annual foundation day  Ceremony at  the premises of Mugupal High School Play ground following with all Covid19 rules.

More than 70 Social Organisations those have provided their services to the society in the time of need Pandemics, and more than 20 Individuals across the state due to their Social outputs  were felicitated by the Organisation in Biswabandhu Samman 2021.

Padmashree Nanda,Sarapnch Mugupal Panchayat,Kalandi Kantha, Siddhartha Shankar Rath, Odisha Krushak Mahasangh President Gopinath Pati have joined the function and guests.

The Group also had shown it’s Solidarity by providing their services to the Society for Seven days Prior to Celebration of their foundation day. During that Period the group had organised Blood Donation Camp ,Eye Screening Camp , Cataract removal drives , food to needy Poor , Financial assistances to Poor Patients , Promoted Swachha  Bharat Abhiyan in the city ,Cleaned the Baruan- Jajpur Town road and other Social works for why People in the City have extended their wishes in favour of them.

Members of Anweshan Theatre group, Jajpur played a Social awareness short play “BOJHA” which communicate a social message to all how to respect our parents.

Helping Hand always tries to reach at every needy people in the district and with the support of all members they able to reach at this position. During lock down Period aiming this innovative ideas he had started the organisation that Prashanta Sarangi said, the founder.

At last Abhimanyu Nayak, Secretary of Helping Hands briefly described the annual report  with vote of thanks.