9th State Level Drama Bid Adieu

Paralakhemundi:On behalf of Creative Arts(CA),state level drama concluded.On last day evening,MP Chandrasekhar Sahu graced as chief guest. As guests of honor MLA KNarayan Rao, Chairperson of Paralakhemundi Municipality Council Nirmala Sethy graced on the occasion.
Guests highlighted on great cultural festives of Paralakhemundi,that emerged its royal heritage started with Padmanabh Rangamanch blessed by Parala Maharaja dynasty.So at a temporary stage,state level drama initiated by the organization.On 4-day programs from Belpahar,Bhubabeswar, Brahmapur & Paralakhemundi various cultural organizations staged their story. By Belpahar Mirror staged “Dura Akash”,by Bhubaneswar Panchadhwani group “Gotie Kahani”, by Brahmapur Saswati group ” Asanta Charita” & by Paralakhemundi Creative Arts “Bhukha”staged. Organizers demanded an auditorium,otherwise called Sanskruti Bhawan. Presided by President of CA Nrushingha Charan Patnaik, where Jt. Secretary Adarsh Das & Secretary Manoj Padhi conveyed welcome address & vote of thanks respectively.