80% Burnt Woman Towards Self Reliance

Paralakhemundi- Financially constraints, poverty & facing accident one woman still hopeful on her adventure of livelihood. Without dependence she is now proved towards self sustainability amidst of jinx on burning & poverty. She proved herself to stand unlike other house keeping women to reach towards self livelihood. Such unique personality M.Kiranmayee fought with all huddles even after burning of 70 ℅ body still she survived to fight for her life to live. That indeed inspired other women too.Even after burnt her husband & family avoided to stay with her. So she was bound to stay with her parents.Being physically & mentally stressed, she went to nearby anganwadi worker. By her support she joined in an women’s self help group. After 6 years that group got grading under MSME stage. Now she elected as President of that block federation group. By that group mushroom, fruits, compost preparation,supply of uniforms for school students like work they engaged. On state level she built reputation indeed. So she says struggle can only change whole dynamics to success. That she proved with all recognition overcoming gender bar.