3rd Day Pallishree Mela Attracted Visitors

Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemdi-Since 23rd December Pallishree Mela is going on.This will w go on till 26th.On 3rd day various items from the district & outreach districts attracted visitors. Besides that cultural program too signifying its festival color & gaiety. Lingaraj Panda,the Collector on his views priortized district culture, art & life style of interior tribals. Among others ADM Sangramsekhar Panda, PD DRDA Anam Charan Patra,Sub Collector Dilip Kumar Maharana, PA, ITDA Saroj Kumar Behra, DPM of OLM Priyambada Bisoyi also graced on the occasion. With Covid-19 guidelines nurtured & visitors too cautioned who are not using masks. To observe social distance regular miking too impact from Control Room. 103 stalls opened where SHGs from various districts shared their products for selling. On first & second day more than 13 lakhs business transected. Local tribal dance & songs attracted district officials to share their dance too that magnifying visitors too.