JAJPUR, (Sukinda):38th Mines Safety Week 2020-21 was celebrated in Sukinda Mines (Chromite) & Mahagiri Mines (Chromite) M/s IMFA Ltd. in the form of virtual mode as per the guidelines of Director Mines Safety, Bhubaneswar region, due to present COVID-19 pandemic situation. The program was celebrated from 8th February to 15th February. On the 1st day (8th Feb.2021) the safety flag was hoisted by the Mines Managers, Mr. Manoj Samal & Mr. Jalandhar Patra at Sukinda Mines Chromite & at Mahagiri Mines Chromite respectively. Face mask and safety badges were distributed to all the persons present in the flag hoisting programme. Safety oath was taken by all to abide the safety culture in all spheres of the mining activities. PPT & Video clippings are being prepared by the internal mines team under the leadership of Mines Manager of respective mines, which shall be uploaded for evaluation by internal inspection teams of respective mines. During the week long program various activities like poster, slogan & speech competition were held for the employees, contractor’s workers and drawing competition was also held among children. In addition to that ‘Trade Test’ was also conducted for different trades at both the mines. Employees, contractor workers from both the Mines and children were awarded with prizes during the mass meeting conducted on 13.02.2021, with maintaining social distancing and wearing face mask. Name of some awardees are, Sri Akshaya Sahoo (Mechanic), Chaitanya Dehury (Welder), Kalia Marandi (Shaft worker) from Mahagiri Mines Chromite & Mr. Prashant Kuanar (Mechanic), Mr. Sushant Acharya( Mining Mate), Mr. Ganesh Hiburu (Drill Helper of M/s CIL) from Sukinda Mines (Chromite) and others.
A Mass Meeting program was arranged in Sukinda Mines (Chromite) on 13th Feb.-2021, Mr. L Mahapatra, GM- mining of IMFA Ltd., congratulated to the entire Sukinda mining team for the safe working towards Zero Accident in the last 5yrs and advised to adhere safety practices to maintain Zero Accident potential. Mr. Sudhanshu Patni, VP-Mining stressed the need for a proactive safety culture and avoidance of unsafe practices by following the SOPs made for respective activities. Mr. Ajay Behuria, DGM (HR & Admin) & Mr. Manoj Samal, mines Manager, encouraged the employees to work with utmost safety & to follow good housekeeping practices.
A mass meeting was also organised on 13th Feb.-2021 in Mahagiri Mines (Chromite) in which Mr. Jalandhar Patra, Mines Manager and other Sr. executives, Mr. K L Mishra, Mr. R. R. Sharma, Mr. Bipin Das, Mr. Malay Jena, Mr. Debashish Samal were addressed the gathering & shared their views on the safety measures are in practice and its importance for the underground mining. Prizes were distributed for Trade Test winners, Winners of Speech Slogan & Poster competitions and best safety workers.
Most importantly, during the safety week celebration, three things were emphasised to follow, i.e. wearing of face Mask, Maintaining Social Distancing and Sanitizing hand regularly.