3-Tier Panchayatiraj Demolished During BJD Regime

Paralakhemundi:To support the demand of Sarpanchs on their legitimate demands, Bijay Kumar Patnaik State Advisory Committee Chairman of Odisha Congress Party said that 73rd & 74th Constitutional Amendment promulgated during Congress time at centre. That too given freedom & liberty to access & control on devoluation of power.
But now that has been crucified which is under beurocrates. Decentralization of power has been lost its sanctity during BJD regime since above 2 decades. Rather beurocrates are scapegoats of power politics which is danger to democracy & governance. Even those beurocrates not only enjoying their own whims but showed their tolerance to elected representatives.
Patnaik advised such beurocratic power should be eradicated to bring values of democracy to abstain from 5T Secretary, Collector, SP or BDO authoritarian rules in the name of administration (?). That devalues not only grassroots democracy but also assembly too. He met those elected representatives who are on strike & versed his support too.