2 Bikes Collided 2 Dead 2 Injured

Paralakhemundi- At Routpur junction under Garabandha police limits a tragic accident lost 2 valuable lives. As an information received 2 bikes confronted one another where both drivers of bikes died at spot. Whereas those sat at back severely injured. At first they admitted at Garabandha hospital & later on shifted to Paralakhemundi DHH. Those deceaseds are THarish(40) of Mulupudi village & Tulsidas(36) of Chintapalli both belonged to Andhrapradesh. Those injured persons are BLokeshu(20) of Gokanpuram village & PTulsi Rao (36) of Sundipudi too belong to Andhrapradesh. They were going to Andhrapradesh via Odisha. Those injured are fighting against life & death. Case(28/22) registered at Garabandha police station said Sarbeswar Samantray IIC of Garabandha PS.