132nd Birthday of Parala Maharaja KCGajapati Observed

Paralakhemundi- 132nd birthday of Late Parala. Maharaja Sri Krishna Chandra Gajapati observed at Gajapati district. On morning a mass rally started where at his statues at Gandhi junction & market Square & at his samadhi floral tribute paid. Maharani Kalyani Devi,Collector Lingraj Panda,ADM Birendra Kumar Das, Sub Collector Alok Kumar Pradhan, Chairperson of Paralakhemundi Municipal Council Nirmala Sethy,Vice Chairman Lenka Madhu & other officials with students, teachers & local people joined. With traditional sword play performed by local group. At evening a meeting organized at Town Hall. As chief guest Lingraj Panda, as chief speaker scholar Purnachandra Mahapatra, guests of honor Maharani Kalyani Devi, SDC Chairperson Mariyom Raita, Chairperson of Paralakhemundi Municipal Council Nirmala Sethy & ADM (Revenue)Birendra Kumar Das graced on dias. Facilitated by District Culture Officer Archana Mangaraj speakers lauded dream efforts to bring new Odisha by Late Maharaja. Besides that his free own expenditure thrice at Round Table Conference at London could bring dream Odisha. DCPO Arun Kumar Tripathy conveyed vote of thanks. Students who won on various competitions honored by the guests.
At SKCG College by Old Students Association also organized where Prof. Amiya Kumar Paricha graced as speaker. Presided by Dr. Ajay Kumar Tripathy,Dr, Sankar Bakshi, Asalata Panigrahi graced on dias. Prof. Paricha extolled on Maharaja’s political distinction that coveted as first Prime Minister of independent Odisha. Amulya Panigrahi facilitated the program. At Kashinagar by Vanshadhara Patahagar also organized where speakers lauded spirited challenges of Late Maharaja.