118 Students Absent in Class Exams (!)

Paralakhemundi-At SKCGCollege a stringent measure taken by office administration to avoid to sit in class Internal Assessment examinations for those students,who are irregular to attend their classes.This indeed a dire step by Principal Dr. Ajay Kumar Tripathy to warn them.
Among those 118 students;who deprived of their examinations from Science 46,from Arts 38 & from Commerce 34 students of +2 2nd year. Since opening of college their first Internal Assessment started & a strict observation taken to bring discipline among students to equip regular in their studies.
From 24th their examinations started & around 800 students to be appeared the examinations. But before examinations assessment recorded of those students who are 75℅ absent since beginning of study sessions. Still they are asked to give explanations of their absent. Some showed on medical ground, which not brought satisfactory reply.
Still they will be given chance if they will be regular on their classes for next examinations. This just a warning to bring discipline among those irregular students, said Dr. Tripathy. A miracle indeed to covete better discipline on this second historical college of Odisha.Such action by Principal accoladed from all corners.