100 % conviction rate in wild life cases investigated by STF Odisha

Bureau,Odishabarta, 01.06.2024 : Hon’ble court of Sub-Divisional Judicial Magistrate,Baragarh Dist. Baragarh convicted one accused person namely Satyaban Sahu S/o. Jayadeb Sahu of village Khajuria PS. Bhatli Dist. Baragarh U/S 51 the Wild Life (Protection) Act,1972 in STF PS Case No. 30/2020. The court sentenced the accused person to undergo Rigorous Imprisonment (R.I) for Three (3) yearswith fine of Rs.10,000/-only for commission of offence u/s. 51 of The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.

In this case,on 24.11.2020, STF, Bhubaneswar apprehended the above noted accused personand recoveredoneillegal Leopard Skin with other wildlife products fromtheir possession while the accused personswere waiting there to deliver the same to a customer. After successful investigation, charge sheet was submitted against the accused personsU/s. 379/411/120-B IPC r/w. 51 of Wild Life Protection Act, 1972. During investigation the seized Leopard skin wasalso sent to Wild Life Institute of India, Dehradun for biological chemical examination and opinion was received affirmatively. Trial was conducted against above noted accused person where during trial prosecution has examined 12 witnesses including the Scientific Officer of WLI Dehradun.

This is the Fifth case of STF where the accused persons were convicted under Wildlife Protection Act. Till date trial has been completed in 05 Wildlife cases and all the cases ended in Conviction.This is worth to mention that the conviction rate of wildlife crime cases in India is less than five per cent.

STF Odisha has taken special efforts to ensure that our investigation is of highest standards and we meticulously follow our prosecution in the courts so that the cases are brought to logical conclusion/ conviction.

STF is the specialized wing of Odisha Police to curb the organized crime as well as cases against Wildlife in the State. Offence under Wildlife (Protection) Act is also one of the focusareas of STF and STF will continue its drive against such illegal wildlife poachers/ dealers.

  1. Investigating Officer: Efrem Kiro, OPS, DySP
  2. Conducting Prosecutor: Sri Sanjay Kumar Pradhan, Public Prosecutor, Baragarh
  3. Conducting Prosecutor: Sri Chandan Das, Addl. Public Prosecutor, STF, BBSR

STF got the power/authority to investigate wild life cases in 2018. So far, STF has detected 100 cases and have arrested 232 wild life Criminals. Our major seizures, so far-

Leopard hides- 58
Elephant Tusks-27
Live Pangolin- 23
Pangolin Scales- 42 Kg
Tiger hides- 02
Deer Hides- 11